Review: Daredevil - Guardian Devil

Collects: Daredevil V2 #1-#8
Writer: Kevin Smith

Penciller: Joe Quesada

Matt Murdock's life could be better - his girlfriend Karen left him (again). And as if this wasn't enough, a teenage girl, who somehow knows of his secret identity of Daredevil, wants him to protect her baby. To make matters even better: She claims to have conceived the little boy without having sex! Could he be humanity's newborn savior? Matt tries to find out more about the child and is contacted by a mysterious figure named Nicholas Macabes, who proposes an even more disturbing theory: He claims the baby is the antichrist.

Matt comes into conflict with his deep-rooted catholic faith. But there are more bad news ahead for the blind hero: Foggy is involved in a murder case - as the suspect. And Karen comes back, infected with AIDS. As it seems caused by none other than the baby - wtf?

This was my first exposure to Daredevil and I was more than sceptical. I wasn't impressed by the Affleck-movie, hated all of Kevin Smith's films and never was a friend of Frank Miller's work (there are some exceptions of course), who had a great role in defining this character. Despite this reservations I was completely blown away by "Guardian Devil"!

The plot is a competent mystery story with a twist that doesn't disappoint. Matt's religous issues, his lovelife, his social circle and his vendettas are all masterfully woven in. We get some great action pieces, emotional quiet moments and quirky dialogues. Quesada's pencils capture all these scenes greatly with an especially engaging trip to Dr. Strange's mystic world.

In short: This is everything I want from a comic.