Event Overview: Civil War (2)

A general note about the second batch of "Civil War" comics: I started to get pissed off by Marvel's biased portrait of anti- and pro-reg movement. Despite the promise to let the readers decide themselves which side corresponds with their views, we are clearly pushed to root for Captain America. He and his gang are portrayed as heroes whereas the pro-regs are either misguided or just plain evil (like Tony "Dick Cheney" Stark). Nonetheless: "Civil War" and most of the tie-ins continue to be a fun read. 

Civil War #2
Writer: Mark Millar
Peniciller: Steve McNiven

And so the war begins. Nice issue which doesn't reach the level of the first one. Storywise Millar is heavly relying on the reader to read other series like "Front Line" to get the full picture. The action however is flawless and I'm always happy when the Young Avengers get a guest spot. McNiven continues to impress.

Civil War: Front Line #2
Writer: Paul Jenkins
Peniciller: Ramon Bachs, Steve Lieber, Leandro Fernandez, Kano

Like in the first issue, the two main protagonist are just bystanders as the events of "Civil War" unfold them. I really would like them to take a more active role. Also four stories (or story fragments as almost all of them get continued in other issues or series) is a bit to much.

Amazing Spider-Man #533: The War At Home Part 2
Writer: J. Michael Straczynski
Peniciller: Ron Garney

The aftermath of Peter's reveal of his identity is masterfully handled by JMS. His life is upside down and he is torn between his emotions and the loyality to Tony Stark (who comes off as a manipulative son-of-a-bitch). JMS even manages to insert a pretty funny scene with Sue and Reed Richards.

New Avengers #21: Disassembled Part 1
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Peniciller: Howard Chaykin

Argh, my eyes, my eyes! Chaykin's art is hideous! Captain America looks like a dumb brute - just look at the cover! Unfortunatly Bendis' story is a similar letdown. I learned nothing new about Cap's resistance movement. And why does Falcon speak like a wannabe pimp?

Fantastic Four #538: Street Fighting
Writer:J. Michael Straczynski 
Peniciller: Mike McKone

A cool Ben-centric story (so why isn't he on the cover?). His clash with the anti-regs is simultaneously funny and thought-provoking. McKone's art is a perfect match for JMS' story that lacks a bit on the action side. On the other hand: Thor's foreshadowed return is the highlight of this issue.

Wolverine #43: Vendetta Part 2
Writer: Marc Guggenheim
Peniciller: Humberto Ramos

Guggenheim continues this more than solid revenge story. Humberto Ramos' art really grew on me (maybe my standards were lowered by Chaykin...). There is just one matter, which drags the whole issue down: Wolverine fully heals up in just a few minutes after being reduced to just his skeleton by Nitro - Really?

X-Factor #8: Collision Course
Writer: Peter David
Peniciller: Dennis Calero

More a continuation of "Decimation" than a "Civil War" tie in but still very good - as almost anything written by David. Calero's style perfectly matches the part noir, part quirky tone of the book. The interaction with Spider-Man is cool and I'm curious how Quicksilver's return will play out.

Civil War: Front Line #3
Writer: Paul Jenkins
Peniciller: Ramon Bachs, Steve Lieber, Lee Weeks, David Aja

Things get better: The first death of "Civil War" has a bit of an emotional impact (despite the dying person being just a minor hero), Speedball's still a douche and the new storyline "Sleeper Cell" seems intriguing. Still, it would have been better to focus on one story per issue... And the poem is again pointless.