Civil War #3
Writer: Mark Millar
Steve McNiven
For the first time the pro-regs seemed like the more reasonable bunch. It's Captain America's fault that things escalate to the first big battle of the "Civil War" - and an epic one it is. McNiven's art together with Holloway's brilliant colouring evoke cinetamtic images. And of course there is Thor, yay!
X-Factor #9: Trust Issues
Writer: Peter David
Dennis Calero
Again not so much of a "Civil War" tie-in, but a continuation of "Decimation" - although we learn with which faction of the conflict Jamie sides. There are some brilliant moments with Layla and Quicksilver and I loved the bantering between X-Factor and the Astonishing X-Men.
New Avengers #22: Disassembled Part 2
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Leinil Francis Yu
In this backstory issue we learn why Luke Cage allies with Captain America. Besides a cool fight between the "Secret Avengers" and a SHIELD unit the best moments of this story are the ones which deal with the relationship of Luke and his wife. Can't have too much of Jessica Jones! And compared to Chaykin, Yu's art is a big step up.
Wolverine #44: Vendetta Part 3
Writer: Marc Guggenheim
Peniciller: Humberto Ramos
Basically we get one issue of Wolverine pounding the crap out of Nitro. To further complicate matters we learn the identy of another group which is after the bastard - a relevation I didn't see coming, but a cool connection to one of the "Front Line" stories. I'm hooked for the next issue.
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #1
Writer: Zeb Wells
Peniciller: Stefano Caselli
I was very looking forward to this tie-in, as I'm a fan of both teams. So I was very pleased that Zeb Wells got a grip on both of them. The characterizations are top-notch - especially the Runaways dealing with Gert's death just feels right. The only thing, which bothers me, is the sexualized depiction of these young adults by Caselli.
Civil War: Front Line #4
Writer: Paul Jenkins
Peniciller: Ramon Bachs, Steve Lieber, Lee Weeks, Sean Chen
Finally, the reporters' stories pick up steam. We have seen quite a bit SHIELD raids in "Civil War", but so far they don't fail to impress. The best part of the whole issue was the cliffhanger ending with Ben and an unexpected villan, who seems very pissed! Speedball's part was ridiculous though.
Amazing Spider-Man #534: The War At Home Part 3
Writer: J. Michael Straczynski
Peniciller: Ron Garney
The anti-regs' raid of a prisoner transport ist well
staged, the highlight being the awesome fight sequence between Spidey
and Captain America. There are some minor glitches like none of the
anti-regs has any visible injuries despite them having their asses
handed in "Civil War #3". Oh, and Tony switched back to asshole-mode.
Fantastic Four #539: Decisions Made
Writer:J. Michael Straczynski
Peniciller: Mike McKone
JMS rehashes the events of "ASM #534" from another point-of-view. Now we find out how the reasons behind the chaos during the raid, which is a much more satisfying read. Also Ben has to choose a side and makes an unexpected decision. One of the best tie-in issues.
Ms. Marvel #6: Battle Lines Part 1
Writer:Brian Reed
Peniciller: Roberto de la Torre
There is nothing really
wrong with this issue. I liked the portrayal of Carol, Wonder Man the other players, the art is competent enough, but nothing really clicks with me. The plot is very generic "Civil War" stuff we have seen a dozen times at this point.
A hero struggles with his decisions and has to face off against some others...
Civil War: Front Line #5
Writer: Paul Jenkins
Peniciller: Ramon Bachs, Steve Lieber, Lee Weeks, Roy Allan Martinez
The reporters' stories continue to get more interesting as the other plots fail to impress. I especially hate Speedball more and more with each issue, even though Jenkins wants the reader to root with him. What really drags the issue down is the "Sleeper Cell" story with its depiction of SHIELD agents as evil motherfuckers.
Wolverine #45: Vendetta Part 4
Writer: Marc
Peniciller: Humberto Ramos
Unexpectedly this is my favorite of all the tie-ins. I became very fond of Guggenheim's style with the over-the-top action and the clever twists. Again I really didn't see them coming. And after just four issues I converted to being a fan of Ramos' art. The icing on the cake is the cool conspiracy plot.
New Avengers #23: Disassembled Part 3
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Peniciller: Oliver Coipel
Another suprise hit! This issue is pure fun! Bendis culminates Jessica Drew's emotional appealing story, which he has spun in the pages of "Spider-Woman: Origin" and "New Avengers". Oliver Coipel once again amazes with his vibrant pencils in this adrenaline-filled spy story.
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #2
Zeb Wells
Peniciller: Stefano Caselli
I really like how Zeb Wells fathoms all possible conflicts between the two teams. A new player, No-Vahrr, is introducing. He seems to be an existing character, but I don't no anything about him. The only thing which bothers me is that all these young girls obviously underwent breast surgery when they were 14...
Ms. Marvel #7: Battle Lines Part 2
Peniciller: Roberto de la Torre
The scenes with Araña were cool but they were the only interesting pages of this issue. The chase of Arachne (as they said in the comic itself, there are to many spider-related characters...) is pretty dull.